Liquorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra in latin) is the root of a bush about one meter high. The roots alone can stretch up to ten meters. They look like plain sticks and should, at the very least, be three years old before they are harvested. Liquorice root grows around the Mediterranean, the Middle East, India and China.
When we make our soft liquorice we use liquorice powder, sugar, syrup and rice flour. It is cooked for about forty minutes, creating a thick black paste. The paste is then stretched out into long strands where it is cut into large pieces. When making salty liquorice we add salmiak, which is the only ingredient that differs the sweet and salty liquorice. We use rice flour in order to make it gluten free.
Lagerutförsäljning i vår fabriksbutik
LAGERUTFÖRSÄLJNING 11 FEBRUARI Nu tömmer vi vårt lager på massor av produkter och ger plats till nytt! Passa på att fylla på skafferiet med salta & söta saker till riktigt […]
Save The Liquorice – Ny produktserie för att minska matsvinn
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