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Ribbestek, danish pork steak flavored with liquorice and bay leaves


Cut the pork about 1 inch apart in its rind if it is not already done. Place the roast with rind down in a pot. Pour in water to cover. Let it lie for 30-45 minutes.

Set the oven to 175 degrees Celsius (347 degrees fahrenheit).

Take up the roast and dry it. Mix liquorice powder and salt and rub the all around the roast carefully. Salt a little extra on the rind. Place the roast in a roasting pan with the rind up and fill with 1 inch of water in the bottom of the roasting pan. Add the bay leaves and place in the oven. Fry for about 60 minutes (add some water during this time) or until the internal temperature is 55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees fahrenheit). Increase the temperature of the oven to 225 degrees Celsius (437 degrees fahrenheit) and allow the rind to become crispy and brown. Remove the roast and let it cool in the pan.

Cream sauce

Take up the roast from the roasting pan, whisk the pan with a little water and pour the meat juice into a saucepan. Add the cream and season with liquorice powder, salt and pepper. Allow to cook until the sauce has thickened slightly.

To serve, cut the roast into centimeter-thick slices and serve with fried kulpotatis , Brussels sprouts, garlic mushrooms and the cream sauce .


4 portions

(Danish) Pork Steak

1kg pork steak with rind


2 tbsp Lakritsfabriken’s liquorice powder


2-3 bay leaves

Cream Sauce

Meat juice from steak

4 cups whipped cream

1 tsp Lakritsfabriken’s liquorice powder

Salt and pepper


Recipe by: Martin Jörgensen