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Liquorice and sweet chili glazed salmon with lemon-pepper-sauce


Light the grill or the oven to 200 degrees Celsius (392 degrees fahrenheit).

Mix the sweet chili sauce and the liquorice powder in a bowl.

The amount of liquorice powder can be varied to your specific taste.

Grill the salmon or cook it in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

When the salmon is cooked through, brush the liquorice and sweet chili glaze on both sides and allow it to be grilled/oven baked  for a while.

Mix together the ingredients for the lemon-pepper-sauce.

Serve the salmon and sauces together with cooked fresh potatoes and a salad.


4 portions

4 salmon fillets


2 cups sweet chili sauce

3 tbsp Lakritsfabriken’s liquorice powder


3 cups sour cream

1 tsp lemon-pepper

1 tsp pressed lemon

To serve

Fresh potatoes

(Green) salad


Recipe by: Johanna Persson