<p><a href=”http://lakritsfabriken.se/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Lakritskungen_Logo_RKLM.png”><img class=”alignright wp-image-555 size-medium” src=”http://lakritsfabriken.se/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Lakritskungen_Logo_RKLM-293×300.png” alt=”Lakritskungen_Logo_RKLM” width=”293″ height=”300″ /></a></p>
<p>Lakritskungen is a trademark from Lakritsfabriken, focusing on new exciting liquorice products aimed towards a wider crowd.</p>
<p>If Lakritsfabriken represent the pure and classic, then Lakritskungen is the brand where we can experiment and develop new and fun products. But the keywords are as always; packed with liquorice, free from gelatine, free from gluten and as natural as possible.</p>
<p>After a huge success with our premium liquorice, Lakritsfabriken, in 2013 we presented a new trademark focusing on everyday consumption; Lakritskungen. The difference between your everyday liquorice and premium liquorice is huge and you will find Lakritskungen in between these. We look forward to develop more interesting products to accompany our molded coins and cannons to liquorize the world.</p>
<p><strong>The country has crowned me Lakritskungen.</strong> My liquorice makes impressions and has a taste that rules.</p>
<p>Martin Jörgensen, Founder & CEO</p>